Pest Threats
Nature is a beautiful thing
Florida's Emerald Coast has an abundance of sites to see and wildlife to enjoy. To many of us, all is well until some of unwanted creatures invade our home or business. Roaches, beetles, fleas, spiders, bedbugs, rodents, and many other occasional invaders usually are not welcome in our domain. These pests are like us for the most part, as they are looking for shelter, food, and other necessities for their survival. Pests will somehow find their way inside our homes and businesses no matter how clean we might be or keep them.
Bryan Pest Control understands your need for a clean, healthy home environment. Insect pests may aggravate allergies, cause needless fears and anxieties due to their potential to bite or sting, or just be downright embarrassing. We take care of the vermin that invade homes, spreading disease, contaminating your food supply or doing damage to your wall finishes, fabrics, etc.
Perimeter treatment is the key to successful pest management in most cases. Bryan Pest Control targets pests in their natural habitat before they invade your structure. We have a two-fold approach: interior and exterior protection. Treating your structure’s interior successfully controls pests that have already invaded your home or business while treating the exterior perimeter will effectively protect your structure from further invasions.
What types of pests are found along the Emerald Coast?
Ants are social insects, living in colonies that may number in the thousands. Ant Queens lay eggs. Ant colonies of some species of ants have only one queen while other species may have many queens. Worker ants forage for food for the colony, care for the queen and young and defend their colony. Workers can be all sizes. Colonies may reproduce by swarming or budding. Ant nests commonly consist of underground tunnels and chambers. Some species make mounds of earth or Ant Hills. The queen stays in the nest and workers bring her food. It is the workers you may see in and around your home or business.

Cockroaches pose a serious threat to human health. They emit allergens that worsen asthma symptoms and transmit disease pathogens that cause diarrhea, typhoid fever, dysentery, and food poisoning, among other ailments. Cockroaches are loathed by most people and invoke a stigma that creates the perception that infested homes or businesses are dirty and disgusting. This reputation the cockroach carries can have a devastating effect on a restaurant owner’s business, an apartment manager’s occupancy rate and a home owner’s self esteem not to mention the health issues of those affected that could be in jeopardy.

While numerous pests cause indirect losses by competing for food or damaging property, fleas and ticks cause direct harm by biting humans and their pets. While the bites of some creatures are for defensive purposes, the bites of fleas and ticks have the objective of obtaining food. Fleas and ticks are wingless external parasites of mammals and birds, with some ticks feeding on reptiles and amphibians. Both pests have piercing and sucking mouth parts which they use to penetrate the skin of their host and they suck blood. Fleas remain closely associated with their host, living in their nests and homes, preferring warm, humid environments.

Flies are serious pests in and around buildings due to the fact they can transmit diseased organisms and filth. They also leave deposits of regurgitated food and excrement on walls, furniture, draperies, paintings and any and all other belongings they come in contact with. Flies are very annoying due to their erratic flying, buzzing, and landing on food, walls, windows, and furnishings, etc., in general. They interfere with your daily comfort level because of their annoyance and potential health risk factors. Although there are several thousand species of flies, only a few are persistent pests in or around buildings. These include the House Fly, the Little House Fly, Vinegar or Fruit Fly, and Blow Flies.

Most spiders found indoors and around the outside of buildings are harmless to people and are often beneficial but nevertheless are annoying and need to be controlled for the reason that their webs are nuisances. Spiders depend on live insects or other small arthropods for food, but they can survive for long periods without food. You will find spiders mostly in locations where the greater chance of insects will appear. The most notorious spider in our area is the widow spiders. Around buildings the Black Widow lives in garages, storage sheds, crawl spaces under buildings, furniture, ventilators, and rain spouts.

Mosquitoes have become increasingly dangerous as more cases of viruses such as West Nile, Dengue, and Zika are spreading into the areas we live. The adult female mosquito feeds on the warm blood of mammals (including humans) and birds and on the cold blood of fish, reptiles and amphibians. Mosquitoes are one of the most important public health pests due to vectoring of disease-causing pathogens. These mosquito-borne pathogens cause diseases like the West Nile virus, malaria, yellow fever, dengue and encephalitis. Worldwide these diseases afflict tens of millions of people per year and kill millions per year as well.

Bedbugs have made a comeback in the United States. They are increasingly being encountered in homes, apartments, hotels, motels, dormitories, shelters and modes of transportation. Immigration and international travel have undoubtedly contributed to the resurgence of bedbugs in this country. Bedbugs are small, brownish, flattened insects that feed solely on the blood of animals and humans. Bedbugs usually bite at night while we’re sleeping.

Rats are destructive building pests. They eat and contaminate food products. They also destroy textiles, upholstery, paper, books and insulation by using these materials for nests and staining them with filth. Rats create holes in walls, doors and windows providing themselves access to and from your structure, they also gnaw on electrical wiring, water pipes and gas lines. Their gnawing can cause loss of utilities and more over, severe damage to your home or business. They leave droppings, urine, and hairs wherever they wander, making them very annoying. House mice also cause structural damage to buildings from gnawing and nesting. They can damage attic and wall insulation and may also chew through electrical wiring. Most house mice damage occur through feeding and nesting.